The IGDF(International Guide Dog Federation) was founded in 1989 and is currently an international organization comprising 98 institutional member schools in 32 countries, and the headquarters is located in Reading, England. The U.S. and Germany, which are the advanced countries of guide dogs, have been operating their own organizations, but since the mid-1990s, they have become international organizations in name and substance by participating in IGDF.
In order to celebrate the launch of IGDF and guide dogs, the last Wednesday of April is designated as "World Guide Dog Day", and member schools in each country hold various events. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Guide Dog School, Korea's guide dog training institute, joined the membership in 1994 and was later promoted to regular member in 1999. In May 2002, the World Guide Dog Association held a general meeting in Korea.
In order to celebrate the launch of IGDF and guide dogs, the last Wednesday of April is designated as "World Guide Dog Day", and member schools in each country hold various events. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Guide Dog School, Korea's guide dog training institute, joined the membership in 1994 and was later promoted to regular member in 1999. In May 2002, the World Guide Dog Association held a general meeting in Korea.