What is Guide Dog?
Guide dogs help people with visual impairment walk safely and can be good companion animals.
Related organization in the World
- ¿µ±¹(UK): GDBA

- establishment : 1931
- the number of Guide Dogs : around 4,500
- the number of Graduated Guide Dogs : around 800 (yearly)
- the number of Volunteers : around 10,000
- Breeding : around 1,000
- Staff : more than 1,200 at 18 centers
- Homepage : http://www.guidedogs.org.uk
Founded in 1931, the British Guide Dog Association operates 18 guide dog schools in a branch format, runs a breeding center called "Tollgate House"
dedicated to breeding guide dogs, and supplies dogs to guide dog schools in various parts of the UK. In Britain, more than 21,000 people with visual impairment have been donated dogs so far, in line with the long history of more than 70 years, and it is also Headquarter to the International Guide Dog Association.
- ¹Ì±¹(USA) : GDB

- establishment : 1942
- the number of Guide Dogs : around 2,100
- the number of Graduated Guide Dogs : around 350 (yearly)
- the number of Total Graduated Guide Dogs : 10,000 (2005)
- Staff : around 270
- Homepage : http://www.guidedogs.com
It is the largest school in the United States and currently operates two campuses(San Rafael, Oregon). It have formed a sisterhood relationship with Samsung Guide Dog School and have active exchanges such as breeding cooperation, puppy and parents dogs and exchanging trainer. For breeding, there are about 180 breeding dogs, and about 834 breeding dogs are born for a year. There are about 1,400 Puppywalkers (873 dogs in Puppywalking) and 609 other volunteers.
- ¹Ì±¹(USA) : The Seeing Eye

- establishment : 1929
- the number of Graduated Guide Dogs : around 280 (yearly)
- the number of Total Graduated Guide Dogs : 14,000
- Guide dog experts : around 40
- Staff : more than 1,200 at 18 centers
- Homepage : http://www.seeingeye.org
Founded in 1929, the world's first guide dog school, "Seeing Eye," produces a total of 13,000 guide dogs, and guides and educates more than 300 people with visual impairment every year. It's also where the world's first guide dog user, Morris Frank, was met Guide Dog. In the U.S., the term "Seeing Eye Dog" is also used as a substitute for "Guide Dog".
- ´ºÁú·£µå(New Zealand) : NZ Guide Dog school for the Blind

- establishment : 1973
- the number of Graduated Guide Dogs : around 40 (yearly)
- the number of Total Graduated Guide Dogs : around 900
- active Guide dog : around 270
- Staff : around 400
- Homepage : http://www.blindfoundation.org.nz
The school was operated by RNZFB(Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind) which was founded in 1890 for independent social life of people with visual impairment, established in 1973 to produce a total of 700 guide dogs, and 300 guide dogs are currently active in New Zealand. Samsung Guide dog school has various exchanges with this in Korea such as running a training program for trainers.
- ÀϺ» (JAPAN) : ÀϺ»¸Íµµ°ßÇùȸ (ìíÜâØîÓô̳úðüå)

- establishment : 1967
- active Guide dog : around 250
- the number of Graduated Guide Dogs : around 40 (yearly)
- Staff : around 100
- Homepage : http://www.moudouken.net
It is one of the nine guide dog schools in Japan, which was established in 1967 and is headquartered in Tokyo. It operates training centers in four places, Sendai and Kanagawa, has 100 professionals and trains about 40 guide dogs annually. In addition to fostering, distributing, and researching guide dogs, they also operate training schools and foster pedestrian guides. This school is active in AGBN(Asian Guidedog Breeding Networks).